Monday, July 14, 2008

The Human Race

I am participating in Nike's run named "The human race". This run which will take place simultaneously in over 25 cities world wide, is a 10 Kilometer run. In Israel, the run will take place in Tel Aviv as it did last year and is sure to be an amazing event.
In the past 3 weeks, I have been training to make the jump from 5Km runs to 10Km. It's not easy but I am having fun training 3 times a week.
For those of you who can read Hebrew, feel free to visit the local run's website @ or visit the Facebook Event for the "Human Race"

Run Forest, Run...

1 comment:

Ms. Missive said...

It's great to read (in English) that someone else will be running the Nike 10k marathon in Tel Aviv on the 31st! I'm very excited for it since I'm not native to Israel and wasn't here for last years night run.

Good luck with your training!